Encentrum grande Harring & Myers, 1928 |
Encentrum grande; swimming, lateral view. (1) |
Encentrum grande; dorsoventral view of compressed specimen. Visible is the vitellarium with 8 nuclei and the the toes with footglands. On the right also the forcipate trophi are visible. (1) |
Encentrum grande; 4 images of the forcipate trophi. Upper left: trophi of specimen macerated with SDS. Some epipharyngel structures are visible. Intramellei short. Upper right: focal plane on the conspicuous supramanubria (with ?epipharyngeal connection?). Lower left: incus of trophi after maceration with NaOCl. Lower right: left intramalleus (In), supramanubrium (Su), manubrium (Ma) (composite of 3 images). Images not to scale. (1) |
Location (1): Wupper near Müngstener Brücke; (click to enlarge) |
Habitat (1): between branches of the red alga Torularia atra in lotic water |
Date : 11.10.2024 (1) |